miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

Bio data of Charles Ronson.

Charles Ronson is a psychologist, with a master in Occupational Psychology, and a PhD in Educational Psychology.

This professional has experience in Occupational Psychology as a lecturer, in the University of Gloucestershire, serving as a facilitator for the first and third year undergraduate psychology Students.

Also since 2004 to the present year, he works as part of the research team for the Highways Agency to investigate aspects of driver behavior with regards to road safety like a Research Consultant in the transport research laboratories, in Crowthorne.

Since 2011 to the present year, is working as a private English language teacher for students of all levels of English ability and interest, with an age range of 4 to 40 years old.

Ronson has a lot of publications and presentations as a teacher and as a psychologist, focusing on students and children. Of those the ones to stand out are:

Ronson, Ch (2010) Are you experienced? Student work values and the university experience.(BPS Annual Conference) Brighton.
Chaney, G and Ronson (2004) Diversity and relationships to student succes. (NADE Conference) New Orleans.
Ronson, Ch (2009) The investigation of socio-affective differences within the Santiago Metropolitan System. (4 National psychology comunnity conference) Santiago.
Ronson, Ch( 2011) The affective influence of enriched education on talented children in  Chile. (Conference of the European Association of High Ability) Paris.
Ronson, Ch (2012) Effects of enriched education on affective Variables for chilean children of high cognitive ability and different socio-economic groups. (CISSE Conference) Santiago.

Ronson also has some publications in Process, like: 

Ronson, Ch (2012) The Design of a scale to examine the socio-affective difference in chilean schoolchildren
Ronson, Ch (2012) Affective difference between educationally enriched high capacity Children and those of regular capacity from different Socio-Economic groups in Chile.

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